Listening to forex news is not how one can really make long-term money in the market. Many traders make their investment decisions based on the news wire. The appeal of this strategy is not surprising. After all, there are many things you have to learn if you want to analyze investments, and it can become very complicated. Therefore, many people try to save time by simply buying when they know a huge price swing is about to take place.

The problem is that listening to the news will never make you profitable. Remember, if something is appearing on the news wire, you are not the only one privy to it. Every other investor on the planet now knows there is going to be a huge change in the price for a currency, and will be trying to take advantage of it.

Therefore, it is important that you educate yourself, instead of buying or selling based on the news. That does not mean you need to pour over investment books night and day. This will do more harm than good.

Instead, the key is to educate yourself and learn the basics, and then start investing before you are overloaded with information. You might want to pick one successful investor and use their methods. There are plenty of courses online you can take to learn how to invest, and simply following one of them will prevent the all too common paralysis by analysis. Learning by doing is always the best way to become educated.

Before you start, you need to know that there are a couple ways to become profitable in day trading and long term investing. You might want to consider the latter. Many traders want to make quick money, and therefore try to capitalize on the minor price swings by day trading. This is where they look to sell the investment shortly after buying, often within 24 hours.

The problem is that day trading requires constant action on your part. Sure, you can become profitable, but you will have to watch the market around the clock. On the other hand, when you invest for the long haul, you do with the expectation that the investment will keep earning you money for months and even years down the road.

Therefore, you do not have to check it for days and even weeks on end. This also prevents you from overtrading, which really cuts into the profit margins of day traders. After all, you have to pay your broker for every transaction, so avoiding making too many trades is important.

The bottom line is – never listen to forex news. Instead, find one successful trader, and copy them. It sounds too simple, but it really does work. You will be able to refine the strategy as you go, but learning the basics from just one person who is profitable prevents information overload and encourage quick action.

Live Forex News is the place where most beginning online traders find themselves frequenting. It is a good source of information for budding traders, alongside Forex Brokers Review sites which are also easy to find online and give equally great information.

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