• Celtic Symbols of Strength

    The Celtic Warrior For almost 500 years Celtic warriors were considered the most fearsome fighter in Britain. They dominated Britain having taken the land from Stone Age inhabitants in many battles. Archaeological artifacts today tell us much about these brave warriors mostly from the weapons found. The Romans who are known as master record keepers […]

  • Celtic Symbols

    Since the Celtic people unfortunately left no written guides for us, realizing what each Celtic symbol represents has been left open to quite a few different interpretations over the years. Celtic jewelry is rich in symbolism, mythology and spirituality and it’s up to us to try and make sense of it all. The symbols of […]

  • Celtic Sun Symbols

    The most universal Celtic symbol for the sun is called the Sun Cross. This symbol comprises a simple cross inside a circle and has been found amongst artifacts dating back to prehistoric Europe during the Bronze Age. It is particularly attributed to the ancient Celts, in particular the Druids and paganism. The Sun cross is […]

  • Scottish Celtic Symbols

    The Scottish Celtic people are also known as Pict’s, the word Pict having its roots in Latin. They lived in Northern Britain at that time and the Romans described them as being covered in pictures of animals and other figures. The Pictish people were so notoriously difficult to conquer that Hadrian, a Roman Emperor of […]