• Economic Stimulus Package Plan

    The Taxpayer’s Dozen There are 12 areas of the economic stimulus package plan: Tax relief, child tax credit, jobless benefits, health care, energy, education, infrastructure, science and technology, law enforcement, jump start on jobs, business breaks and accountability. To Democrats, this plan represents stabilizing the economy where it will see the most progress – helping […]

  • Investment in the United States in our economic recovery plan

    Financial markets are screaming that the bailout is not enough $ 700,000,000,000 th The rescue was necessary, but not to throw more money into the institutions and leaders to be ambitious and has proved incapable .. With the bailout plan, has every citizen (man, woman and child) bank loans $ 2000, which encouraged and supported […]

  • Why Training is Your Wisest Investment – Even in an Economic Downturn

    In preparing for the upturn and to be ready to seize the opportunities for more businesses as the economy recovers, businesses need to invest in staff training, even during the economic downturn. In a Times Online article (2nd November 2008), the author cited research from Cranfield School of Management’s Nurturing Talent study which concluded that employers […]

  • The Economic Bailout Debate

    The much anticipated speech was given; it was the details that were missing. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner was expected in his speech this week to give the nitty gitty particulars about how the Obama administration will spend the rest of the money from the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, commonly called the “bailout.” But […]

  • The Opportunity of Economic Meltdown

    Since my early twenties I have had issues with the so called “Free Market” Economy that we all participate in. Why? First, because there is nothing ‘free’ about it. How can an economy in which every single major industry is heavily subsidized be considered ‘free’? Second, because any responsible economic system balances the needs of […]

  • Economic Recovery Stages

    During periods of major loss, including severe economic changes, individuals (and businesses) must go through a number of stages in response to the loss or change. Each of the stages must be fully experienced in order to recover, and the speed at which you move through each of them will determine how soon and to […]

  • Fighting the Economic Recession

    A recessionary phase is difficult for everyone, be it a salaried person (he could be fired anytime!), a businessman (he could face low sales) or even an unemployed person (he could remain unemployed for really long!). Therefore, as they say, hard times call for hard measures, and you really need to fight out the recession, […]

  • Should You Invest in Real Estate in the Current Economic Climate?

    I was just thinking today about how many people in the United States, as well as many other countries around the world start to cut back on spending and investing when the economy heads south “just in case” they run into trouble and might need that reserve later on. Speaking in general, this actually contributes […]

  • Economic Recover and Calming Currency Markets Should Stabilize Chemical M&A Activity

    Chemical M&A activity in an unstable economic environment such as that which predominates today may be difficult to predict. Taking stock of the factors contributing to economic instability, as well as the current condition of the chemical sector and how commodity sectors in general respond to the global pressures on financial markets and economic recovery […]

  • Characteristics of a Great Investment Property in Any Economic Climate

    Even in this uncertain economy, there are still some basic guidelines that can help you in your property investment activities. Though different communities place a higher premium on certain types of investment property over others, following these guidelines can help you to identify the best options for your investment strategy. After all, energized buyers are […]