• Obama’s Economic Recovery Plan

    The outlook is grim and the solution is costly. President-elect Barack Obama didn’t have much in the way of positive news to give on the American economy in his recent speech at George Mason University. “In short, a bad situation could become dramatically worse,” he said as he outlined the numbers on unemployment, falling revenues […]

  • Economic Stimulus Package Plan

    The Taxpayer’s Dozen There are 12 areas of the economic stimulus package plan: Tax relief, child tax credit, jobless benefits, health care, energy, education, infrastructure, science and technology, law enforcement, jump start on jobs, business breaks and accountability. To Democrats, this plan represents stabilizing the economy where it will see the most progress – helping […]

  • Investment in the United States in our economic recovery plan

    Financial markets are screaming that the bailout is not enough $ 700,000,000,000 th The rescue was necessary, but not to throw more money into the institutions and leaders to be ambitious and has proved incapable .. With the bailout plan, has every citizen (man, woman and child) bank loans $ 2000, which encouraged and supported […]