Much is being written right now about the economic recovery and president Obama’s economic stimulus plan. Even though the economy is still tumbling, it’s pleasant to think about the prospects of recovery. The stark reality however is that this isn’t so much a recovery as it is an economic hangover. We are paying dearly for the wretched excess with which we conducted our financial affairs for the last several years, perhaps decades.

Now those of us who have never suffered a hangover really have no idea how painful it really is. But by talking to those who imbibe frequently, and to excess, or reading about their sordid tales, can we begin to get a sense of how uncomfortable a hangover can be.

One thing is certain here — what we are suffering through right now was caused by us. So as the president and the government around him set out to correct these problems, one can only wonder if the root causes have been resolved. Just as a person who recovers from a hangover and then goes out and does it all over again, have our economic habits changed enough — or will they change enough — to prevent this same situation from occurring in the future.

Beyond that, it is unclear whether these governmental initiatives will have any impact whatsoever, and if they do how long it will take to see positive results. If you personally have been impacted by the economic downturn, or perhaps by the loss of a job, to wait and see how effective our lawmakers are could be a critical error. If you are undergoing financial suffering or stressed right now, it is incumbent upon you, yourself, to correct your problems.

You first of course must understand what those problems are. And here we are back and a root cause — a fundamental lack of understanding about financial matters. Many people can barely balance their checkbook, let alone implement strategies for long-term and successful investing. Even people who thought they knew how to invest got a rude awakening when the stock markets and real estate markets tumbled, causing massive erosion of wealth around the world.

Despite all of this, the adage that the rich get richer still applies. There are people who are profiting greatly even during this time of financial meltdown. The reason is simple — they know exactly what to do and how to do it. If you are not one of these people, make it a point to go out and obtain a financial education that will enable you to not only survive in times of recession but to succeed as well.

Mae Lewis is a business coach and mentor based out Los Angeles, CA, that assists serious entrepreneurs in building a profitable online business with multiple incomes streams. Mae and her team have assisted hundreds of people, from doctors and lawyers to high-school drop-outs and single parents in generating profits that exceed 0K or more in their first year. For more information and to contact Mae, visit:

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