While the traditional way of designing calendar layouts still has an impact for most markets, in today’s world, the fresher and more up to date modern designs are, the more and more popular they are with people. If you are printing fundraising calendars for a cause, these popular and trendy design updates get doubly important since you will probably want to have the best and newest looking designs to capture that calendar market.

In this tutorial for color calendar designs, I am going to teach you exactly how you can update your own designs to match the popular trends in today’s print marketing scene. Follow the tips below and you will see your color calendars turn to really popular and marketable calendar prints.

Updating your fonts – The first update that you should definitely apply to your custom calendars is in the area of font styles. In the past few years, new and trendier fonts have come up from the digital and print worlds.

These new font styles represent the new age of text design that arrived in tandem with web 2.0 websites. Lots of actual printed media have begun adapting these as well. So the era of times new roman and Arial fonts for your print calendars are ending. You should always look for better and fresher new fonts to give your custom calendars that updated new look. It might look subtle, but better and up to date fonts will really help your fundraising calendars sell, especially to the maturing younger generations who grew up in the digital age.

Adding gradients – Another update concept that you should apply to your fundraising calendars is the addition of color gradients. Some amateur designers may not know this, but today, the trend in terms of color backgrounds is to add some subtle variation in the lightness/darkness or hues of the background. This is done through the addition of gradients. This is basically the effect of changing the color or lightness of the background from one setting to another seamlessly across the design. This adds some dynamism and variety to a calendar print, making it look sleeker and more natural. So if you want to update your calendar designs, make sure to try out adding a gradient to its color background.

Adding that all essential gloss – One other design concept that many people in print gained from new web 2.0 designs is the addition of that essential gloss. Even in calendar printing, adding that gloss-like lighter colored effect in text and in symbols or graphics makes a calendar design look more in with the times. Those actual painted sheen and gleam effects make the design elements look like they were made from smooth and shiny modern material. More people are typically attracted to these kinds of designs since they actually simulate glossy paper material. Nobody now prefers rough looking calendars, so it is important to add that all essential gloss to your custom calendar design.

Using brighter colors – Another characteristic of the trendier design concepts today is the use of brighter more vivid colors. The drab and simple colors of the past are now giving way to an explosion of color in many of the new print designs today. So it is now good to actually update your calendar designs with more intense and vivid colors. Typically the more vivid your calendar colors are, the more likely people will be impressed with your calendar print. So make sure you attempt to make your colors brighter and better.

Softness and curves – Finally, you should try to update your whole calendar layout by using more soft lines and curves. The hard edges of the past are now being replaced by the sleek curvier lines of today’s popular print design concepts. So if you have rough, straight edged borders, you might want to make them curvier or softer. This sleeker approach can quickly help make a design hip and modern, so try to see if you can apply more softness and curves through your custom calendar layout.

So those are the things you may want to update for your custom calendar printing. Make sure that you use these different suggestions in concert to get the best update results for your fundraising calendars.

Resources: Lea Delaney is specializing in writing articles on a printing company. Try to check out this website for more information about striking calendar layouts, the best place to make your  fundraising calendars which will  help you raise essential funds and at the same time attract excitement to the crowd.

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